This report was generated due to the sudden divergence between the meteorological mast wind speed measurement and the median wind turbine wind speed measurement from nearby wind turbines. These quantities should agree closely. Met mast sensor failure can have compliance implications – the wind speed signal is sent to the transmission/distribution network service provider to aid production forecasting and scheduling.
In Australia AEMO and the network service providers take grid security and compliance very seriously. Self-breaching (alerting AEMO to an apparent non-compliance) and addressing the breach in a reasonable time frame is a lot less hassle than being alerted to a non-compliance by AEMO or a network service provider. Owning a wind farm brings with it many compliance obligations which cannot be contracted away to the wind farm service contractor (who is usually incentivised to maintain an availability target).
Demonstrating to regulators that you are analysing your wind farm SCADA data and proactively looking for compliance issues can avoid lengthy investigations and reports explaining how a non-compliance existed undetected for a long period of time when a met mast sensor does fail at some point in the life of your wind farm.
Generation of the exception report allows the wind farm managers to alert the third party to the sensor failure and fix the issue which could otherwise go unnoticed for a significant period of time.